
原创:蠐鶽 英语作文 2023-03-11


Here's a sample essay for National Day in English:

National Day is a significant holiday in China that falls on October 1st every year. It marks the founding of the People's Republic of China in 1949. On this day, many people have a day off work and school, and there are various celebrations and activities.

In my hometown, there is always a big parade in the city center with performances and floats. The parade features traditional Chinese elements, like dragon dances and Chinese folk music. I always go to the parade with my family and friends, and we all wear red shirts and wave flags to show our patriotism.

Apart from the parade, there are many other activities during National Day. People go traveling to different cities to learn more about the country's history and culture, and some even visit famous landmarks like the Great Wall of China. It's also common to eat special food like mooncakes during the holiday.

In conclusion, National Day is a time to celebrate China's accomplishments and culture, and to show our national pride. It's a great time for families and friends to come together and enjoy the festivities.








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签约作家 .发文18803篇. 被8人关注
