
原创:鲸落 英语作文 2023-04-18

Dear Diary,

The winter holiday has finally arrived, and I am so excited to share my experiences with you. My days have been filled with laughter, adventure, and relaxation.

My family and I kicked off the break by going to the mountains to ski. It was my first time skiing, and I fell a few times, but I quickly learned how to glide down the slopes. The fresh air and snowy mountains made the trip unforgettable.

After the ski trip, my friends and I went to the mall to shop for new clothes and accessories. We tried on different outfits, took pictures that filled my camera roll, and shared laughs over silly things we saw in the store.

Throughout the week, I kept myself busy with reading books I have been wanting to read, learning new recipes, and binge-watching TV shows with my siblings. Every night, we would gather in the living room, wrap ourselves with blankets and enjoy hot cocoa while watching our favorite programs.

On one day, my parents surprised me and my siblings with a day trip to the beach. We packed sunscreen, towels, and snacks before driving to the coast. Despite the low temperatures, we had a great time walking on the sands, collecting shells, and flying kites.

The highlight of my winter break was attending a New Year's Eve party. My friends and I dressed up, ate delicious food, watched fireworks, and counted down to midnight together. The excitement and cheering of the New Year's countdown filled our hearts with hope and joy.

As the winter break comes to an end, I am grateful for the wonderful memories I have created with my loved ones. I look forward to seeing what the new year has in store for me.

Until next time,

[Your Name]













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钻石作家V4 .发文228篇. 被2人关注
