
原创:咪咕 英语作文 2023-06-07

Having good table manners is just as important as the food itself. Here are 20 short sentences to help you understand the proper etiquette when it comes to dining.

1. Always wait until everyone is seated before starting to eat.
2. Place your napkin on your lap as soon as you sit down.
3. Wait for the host or hostess to start eating before you do.
4. Keep your elbows off the table during the meal.
5. Never talk with your mouth full of food.
6. Refrain from reaching across the table and grabbing food from others’ plates.
7. Use utensils properly, and don't play with them during the meal.
8. Cut your food into small, manageable pieces.
9. Take small bites and don't talk with food in your mouth.
10. If you need to cough or sneeze, cover your mouth with a napkin.
11. Wait for everyone to finish their meal before you get up from the table.
12. Don't make loud noises or slurping sounds while eating.
13. Don't lick or suck your fingers while eating.
14. Chew with your mouth closed to avoid making noise.
15. Always say “please” and “thank you” when asking for or receiving food.
16. Hold the spoon or fork in your dominant hand.
17. Break bread into small pieces and butter one piece at a time.
18. Drink politely, with no slurping or gulping sounds.
19. Don't put your elbows on the table while you're eating.
20. Finished eating? Place your utensils parallel to each other on your plate to signal that you're done.
Remember that good table manners show respect for the food, other diners, and the host or hostess. By following these simple rules, you’ll present yourself as a respectful and courteous dining companion.


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