
原创:咪咕 英语作文 2023-06-12

During the English holidays, I love to go on trips to explore new places. I have been to many countries like the United States, Australia, and Japan. I also like to take language courses in foreign countries to improve my English skills.

Last year, I went to the United Kingdom and stayed with a host family. They were really nice and took me to see many beautiful places like the Tower of London, Buckingham Palace and the London Eye. I also took language classes in a local school, and I made many new international friends.

This year, I am planning a trip to Canada. I want to visit the beautiful Niagara Falls and Toronto.

English holidays are a great opportunity for me to travel and learn at the same time. I believe that experiencing different cultures and meeting new people can help me become more open-minded and knowledgeable.






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